Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lesson 1: Are You Ready for Nerd Love?

In today's lesson, let's explore whether or not you are ready for a relationship with a nerd. If you are lucky enough to already have nerd love, good for you, but everyone else needs to start somewhere. In a few lessons I intend to give you committed nerd lovers information and tips on how to keep yourself (and your nerd) happy...but let's determine if the rest of you are ready. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are you single?
    • This would seem like a no-brainer, but it is a serious question. Maybe you are currently dating a bro and want to switch sides (not to girls...that is an entirely different blog altogether). Do yourself a favor and break up with the bro before you even start looking for a nerd because...
  2. Are you ready for a committed relationship that moves faster than any other relationship you have ever had?
    • Nerds don't waste time. It is programmed inside them. They want to get to the next level (in life and in video games) as fast and as efficiently as possible. This means no mind games and no coy flirting. I think this may be why nerds have a little bit of trouble picking up women in public. Women are taught to be aloof, break eye contact and to try their best not to seem too interested. This is interpreted by nerds as a sign that you are not interested. By the time you are ready to show them you like them, they have already forgotten about you. Be direct and expect the same in return. Also, expect that you will move from "casually dating" to "in full blown love" really, really quickly.
  3. Are you judgmental about or embarrassed by nerd culture?
    • If the mere mention of World of Warcraft or Dungeons & Dragons sends a chill up your spine, let me give you a reality check, missy. I know what you do when you are alone. I know you watch Toddlers and Tiaras. I know you play Farmville. I know you read Twilight. I know you do a bunch more stupid embarrassing shit that I can't even bring myself to name (shame on you though). Your hobbies are no better than nerd hobbies. Don't knock what you haven't tried.
  4. Are you religious?
    • This question may surprise you, but it is a necessary inclusion. Most nerds are at the least not interested in church, and at the most militant atheists. It comes with the territory. If you are devoutly religious, you may not find what you are looking for in a nerd (I understand this is a sweeping stereotype and is not true for all techie guys. That's why I used the word most).
These questions are a jumping off point to determining if you are in the right mindset. Do you feel ready? Good:

Next Lesson: Where to Find the Nerd of Your Dreams

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